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Hey it’s Edmund here.

You may have seen my ad about this eBook I wrote…

Or read my story about how I used Facebook ads to grow my business.

If you are still pondering whether to download the book or not

Here’s a further 50% discount for you since it’s 11.11!


Profitable Ads Secrets’ is a shortcut guide I wrote to help businesses increase their profits using Facebook ads.

This eBook can help you:

  • Attract more buyers for your product/service


  • Increase the ROI on your ad spend


  • Strengthen your offer so it sells better


On sale now for just $5 (Usually $11.90)



Lead Gen Campaign Creation Guide

Set up a lead gen campaign using this step-by-step written guide.

This Google doc will be kept updated even as Facebook’s dashboard changes in future.

This means anytime you get confused on setting up a lead gen campaign, you can just refer to it.


Create Your Lead Generation Campaign in 30 minutes

Want to create a lead generation campaign?

This training will shorten your learning curve and save you a HUGE amount of time.

If you follow the step-by-step video, you can set up your first lead gen campaign in just 30mins!

Watch a preview of the training here:


Steal my retargeting ad strategy that consistently gives me a 5x return every time

See how I pulled in 174 new customers and generated $28k in revenue in the month of May 2021.

While touching my ad account only twice.

Most ‘gurus’ or teachers you see online never ever show you their ad account.

But I shot it for you anyway because I want you to win together with me in this game of Facebook marketing. 

Exclusively for people who invest in ‘Profitable Ads Secrets’ book.


1-1 Consultation

The most valuable bonus of all.

A 1-1 session where I look at your ad campaigns and see how much more money you could potentially be making (or losing)

A few simple tweaks here can improve your results tremendously…

Paying you back many times what this ebook costs.

What People Say About This E-book:

Social proof IG story

“The recent iOS 14 changes have turned the whole game on its head. What worked just 2 months back doesn’t work anymore. Which is why I run my ads myself and learn the fundamentals from folks like Edmund who does this day in and day out and applies it.  

If you want to take ownership of your rice bowl, you can start by reading this book ” 

– Alvin, Team Director leading a team of 15 real estate agents

Anders owns an interior design firm. He read the book, watched the training videos and started generating leads at just $9.77 per lead.

Usual Price: $69


 $5 only

Delivered instantly. 

Starting reading in the next 3 minutes.

Profitable Ad Secrets was written to help business owners run profitable ad campaigns

‘Profitable Ads Secrets’ is an 84 page written guide that will help you run Facebook ads profitably.

It will equip you with the right knowledge and skills…

To bring in more leads and customers using Facebook ads.

So your business will no longer be stagnant.

And you can now take it to the next level with this set of skills.

Here are the chapters in the book:

Chapter 1: The Math Behind A Profitable Ad Campaign 

(why marketing should be seen as an investment instead of expense)

Chapter 2: The Most Important Thing You Must Know Before Running Ads 

(miss this and your ads will likely lose money. worse, your business may not even survive in the long term)

Chapter 3: Why Lead Gen Campaigns Fail And How To Make It Successful 

(learn from case studies so you won’t make the same mistakes too)

Chapter 4: How To Fix Your Ads If It Is Not Giving You Results 

(know what and how to fix your underperforming ads fast)

Chapter 5: Understanding The Real Objective Of Your Ad 

(your ad has only 1 simple objective. hint: it has nothing to do with selling)

Chapter 6: How To Write High-Converting Ad Copy Easily 

(3 easy headline formulas you can use to grab attention)

Chapter 7: How To Increase The Rate Of People Clicking Through Your Ad Using These 2 Techniques 

(simple tweaks that can potentially get you cheaper clicks and more conversions)

Chapter 8: Common Mistakes In Ads You’re Wasting Money On 

(save effort, money and time by learning from other’s mistakes)

Chapter 9: Why You Should Run Your Own Ads And What To Look Out For When Engaging An Agency

(advice that could save you all the headaches if you want to outsource your marketing)

Chapter 10: Get This One Thing Right To Run A Profitable Ad Campaign … Pg 79

(this is all you need to get buyers easily. even if your marketing sucks)

Preview of the book:

What Business Owners Say About This Book:

“I just completed Profitable Ad Secrets and I really like how easy it was to digest. Rather than a comprehensive guide to everything, I very much appreciate how concised it was. Having examples from other ads and from your own experience also helps give a better idea of what’s being communicated. Great job!” 

-Jasper, Owner of a magic events company and his wife runs an online gift store. 

They now generate leads and sales without paying expensive digital marketing agencies.

“Facebook marketing is not easy to achieve results. Edmund’s guidebook helped me learn and understand the basics. This is useful for those who are new to Facebook marketing.”

– George, Owner of Raffles Paint 

“Having zero experience in online marketing and ads, this guidebook is really insightful and easy to understand for a layman. The tips were immediately applicable for marketing and ads on Facebook. I already started using some of the techniques and tricks I read from the guide. Highly recommended!”

– Jas, Owner of Rainbowly

“Edmund has helped reframe my thinking about how modern advertising is and should be, especially after reading ‘Profitable Ads Secrets’. The language used is simple and easily understood and he is genuinely passionate about helping businesses grow their customer base!” 

– Leong, Partner at Callaghans Financial Services

Why you should get this book:

Most business owners try to run Facebook ads on their own but often struggle to see results.

They pay for expensive courses to learn Facebook marketing…

Then launch their own campaigns…

And get expensive leads that don’t convert into sales.

Seeing their money go to waste,

They give up.

Then they reach out to marketing agencies for help…

But they’re not cheap.

(some agencies charge $5k for a start, and then $1.5k-$2k/month. some even charge $100 per lead)

The truth is…

As a business owner, you know your product/service best.

You know who your ideal customers are and how to sell to them more than anybody.

You should handle your own marketing (at least at the start)

If you want to take charge of your own business…

And starting seeing marketing results fast…

This book is for you.

Well, it’s more than just a book. 

It’s a mini course that comes with training videos to help you take action faster and easier.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am a beginner, will this book benefit me?

Yes. Even though this is not a ‘how to run Facebook ads’ book, the marketing concepts and tips in will benefit you, especially if you run your own business and plan to use Facebook ads one day. 

The bonuses included though contain step-by-step guide and training videos to help you set up a lead gen campaign if you run a business that needs to get leads.

2. What type of business owners/self-employed will benefit most from this book?

If you are a small business owner (revenue between 0 to 1.5m/year) selling a product or service, you will learn important marketing concepts that will greatly benefit you.

If you’re already running ads (ID firms, real estate, tuition centre, everyday products, service-related) but not seeing much success, the tips I shared should help your ads perform better.

Any ‘tricks’ or ‘tips’ we learn may not last forever because platforms (like Facebook ads restrictions) might change. But marketing concepts will last because they will continue to be relevant in the long run.

I wrote this book with that in mind – to share marketing concepts first (and then Facebook ads tips) so whatever you absorb from this book will always be relevant.

3. Will my Facebook ads guarantee to be profitable after reading this book?

If anyone can guarantee something at 100%… it’s usually ‘too good to be true’…

So nope, I can’t guarantee your ads will be profitable once you read this book.

But you’ll be equipped with knowledge and skills to run better ads that can bring you more sales after going through all the resources that comes with the book.

4. Is this a scam/get-rich-quick thing?

Short answer: 


Long answer: 

No… but if there is a way to ‘get rich quick’ by selling a book, please let me know I’ll be interested…!

Because I can’t ‘get rich quick’ from this. Plus my main income does not come from this.

I am just a guy who’s crazy about using digital marketing to scale a business. 

Google ‘TravelClef’ and you will know I run a legitimate business in Singapore with 2 physical locations.

5. What if I don’t like this book after reading it, can I get a refund?

It’s important to know what you’re buying into and I want you to be comfortable with this purchase. 

Download this book, read it and apply it. 

If you find yourself not learning anything from this and you want your money back, send an email to support@edmundchew.com and request for a refund within 30 days.

With no questions asked, you’ll get your money back and you get to keep ‘Profitable Ads Secrets’ book free of charge.

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